Helpful Tips about Maximizing your Ten Day Cleanse


We all want to maximize and realize the full benefit The Ten Day Transformation Cleanse has to offer, there are several things that can make that experience the most beneficial as possible. These “Helpful Hints” outlined below hopefully will help you achieve that level of satisfaction.

Have Realistic Expectations
Not everyone will lose the huge number of pounds that others have in just the first ten days. The average weight loss is listed on the Purium website as 11.2 pounds and that number will vary between men and woman. Purium guarantees between 5-20 pounds. Even losing 5 pounds in ten days is incredible so be prepared for anything within the range of 5-20 pounds. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING I HAVE LEARNED from my experience with Purium, it’s not about the weight!!! It’s about the Nutritional Re-set or Re-Balance of our Daily Nutritional Intake, the weight loss is the teaser, but it’s really all about the change in our daily diet going forward, that’s the big picture here. If you didn’t hit your goal at the end of Ten days, keep with it. I did back to back cleanses for 25 days straight before I hit my goal of 32.4 pounds. Then when I went off of the cleanse and started my Maintenance phase that re-balance led to 10 more pounds dropping. That was my body regulating itself and becoming the fat burning machine we all hear about. The health benefits from eating better far outweigh the actual pounds I dropped. I know that’s hard to swallow just starting the cleanse but you’ll come to understand what I am saying as you see a real change in your overall health resulting from the cleanse and better foods choices. Both my wife and I went off of medication due to better food choices, the weight we lost was just the simple re-balancing our bodies were performing.

Keep an eye on Prize
The Prize is BETTER HEALTH AND WELLNESS. Our goal should be “What can I do going forward to make better foods choices” if you start this cleanse with that in mind and keep a journal about what you are learning about your body, your mind and your choices then this will really become something personal and meaningful to you. If you are looking for a quick fix then like any other weight loss program you’ll lose and then you’ll re-gain….(yo yo dieting). What I’ve learned is that the great feeling I was getting from the Green Pure Super Foods contained In the Power shake and Aminos were so powerful that my body thrives on it. That has allowed me to stay focused and on course with making better choices. It’s all in the Mind, there is so much power in understanding the critical role our “Mind” plays in this process. At the end of the day this is about our health, understanding how food and nutrition play into that empowers us to actually give our bodies those life giving nutrients that can “heal us”, the weight loss is secondary to our body regulating itself. Through my personal journey I came to realize that important aspect of the Cleanse. As I came to that realization my health journey took on a whole new meaning and relevance.

Pre-Cleanse Prep
Eat Drink and be Merry for tomorrow we start the Cleanse. That attitude will doom you from the start…… thinking that for ten days I will be going without my favorite foods therefore I will eat them all the night before will sabotage you from the get go……….. ease your way into the cleanse by reducing some of the bad choices you make, lessen your caffeine intake, your soda consumption, Dairy, meat etc…. at least two or three days prior to the start of the cleanse just lessen what you normally eat that way when day one starts your body and mind will have been prepared for the ten days. I personally like to start a cleanse on Monday, that way I only go through one Weekend (the most challenging time of the week for anyone trying to eat better). Drink lots of water in preparation to get you use to hydrating yourself properly (Water is key to this cleanse). Take pictures of yourself, front and side and even from the back. These pictures are important to you, even if you never show anyone else you will need to see the difference in your body from day 1 to day 10………. Results are Motivating (see my blog post titled same).

Day 1 of the Cleanse
Perhaps most critical to the success of The Cleanse is day 1, why? Because if you have any taste issues with the Power shake then it’s important to nip it in the bud on day one. Most people don’t have any issue with taste (I loved it from day 1) but some will have an issue with the “Organic” or green taste of it.
Keep in mind the following
If Purium had wanted to make the Power shake taste like a milk shake they would
Have had to fill it with unnatural ingredients that would have altered the nutritional value of it.

Rather, the Power shake is full of green, clean, superfoods that are exactly what our bodies need to thrive on. Knowing the good I was doing for myself made the shake taste even better to me. However if the Power Shake is hard for you to consume, there are several things you can do to solve that.
1. Take very cold, add ice cube to the mix. The colder the better, it makes it easier to drink if you are having taste issues.
2. Mix in “unsweetened” fruit juices (pineapple is good) replace the water for fruit juice and add the power shake powder. I suggest you do this for the first 2 days but ween yourself from the juice by day 3 , reduce the amount of juice and add back the water so that by day 4 you are only water and powder. It’s important to stay on the cleanse so the juice mix is necessary to do that, however to get the full benefit from the cleanse take out the juice (juice = sugars) eventually.
3. Some people have added in Almond or Coconut milk to improve the taste.
4. Some people have had to sip it slowly , while others drink it quickly…………. It’s up to you…. I think that the majority of people have no problem with it and by day 10 you are hooked on it.

Don’t Skip any of your meals
Some People have the tendency to skip even their flex foods because, believe it or not, they are not as hungry as they thought they would be on the cleanse. Don’t fool yourself, your body needs those flex foods to give you the good calories your body needs to burn more calories. (See Flex Food blog post). Our body needs to “graze” throughout the day, which boosts our metabolism and helps burn more calories and FATS. I use to think that eating less often during the day would help me lose more weight, WRONG, it actually does the opposite, it forces our body to store the very fat we are trying to lose. Follow the schedule and prep your Flex Foods to take with you while on the go. Don’t use traveling or busy schedule to sabotage your cleanse. Our Flex Foods and Purium is so easy to prep that anyone can have it ready to go with very little preparation.

I’m on the go or travel a lot and have no time for the cleanse
Really? What other excuses have you made throughout your life when it has come to making positive changes? There will never be the perfect time to do anything. Once you realize you need to do something positive for yourself, THEN DO IT NOW.
The Ten Day Cleanse is built for everyone and every schedule. Shake it up and go! Prep your fruits and veggies the night before, get some little Tupperware containers and slip them all into a little thermal bag or cooler and you are good for the whole day. Get a 2nd shake bottle and prep your 2nd shake ahead of time and out the door you go. Even traveling on an airplane………. Prep your shaker bottle with the powder and then add water past security or at the gate. I even ask the Flight Attendant to add water to my shaker which instantly prompts the question “What is that Green thing you are drinking”? Which is an awesome opportunity to share the gift of health with that person. Clean up is super easy and all in all this is the most hassle free eating program I’ve ever seen. So don’t let “Excuses” hold you back from the most beneficial thing you could be doing for your health.

Drink your Water!
Water consumption (one half your body weight in ounces per day) is key to a good cleanse and most effective way to lose weight. I used to think water bloated me and I was retaining and perhaps with my high sodium diet I was. But water is so critical to our health and well-being. Good water (more about that later in another post) is a key component to good health. So prep yourself to make sure you are drinking at least half your body weight in ounces per day. This perhaps is the most challenging part of the whole cleanse? Making sure I remembered to drink my water throughout the day was a constant challenge to me. So I prepped my water each day before I left the house. I had all the water bottles ready to go so I would have them on the road or at work. You will need to locate all of your nearest restrooms as you will have to pee frequently, but remember this, the water is flushing out the bad and replacing it with the good. We need to flush out the toxins inside of us daily. Water is key to good health and our go forward maintenance plan. More about the “right water” to come.

Idle Time and “Triggers”
During my cleanse I have had many “Aha” Moments where I learned a very valuable lesson or two. One of them is the fact that the times I sat around and did nothing my mind would drift to food and my boredom would lead to snacking. So what did I have to do? That’s right, get up and get busy, I started to research what I was going to do after the cleanse, I loved what Purium was doing for me so I wanted to extend the momentum and find ways to continue on my healthy journey. Therefore I would make the time to research and learn as much as I could about proper eating, better food choices, understand why my body did what it did with fat storage, how metabolism works, what foods are better than others etc. etc. I also realized that my “triggers” or things that led me to snacking had to be changed. I found a couple of things in my life that were triggers:
1. Idle time or T.V time, in the past I would come home eat dinner (Binge) and “unwind” (my excuse to do nothing) in front of the T.V and Zone out for hours while snacking all night. Then go to bed and let the fat store itself inside of me.
2. Identify the bad foods in my life that I was addicted to. That became quite the eye opener as I learned about all the bad food choices I had been making. Once I identified them I could start to research the better choices to replace them. See my substitution blog post.
3. Bad food kept in the house. I used to think, that’s ok if it in the house I have the willpower to stay away from it. NOPE, WRONG, BAD IDEA!!! That didn’t work and I was only fooling myself thinking it would. So I removed all bad stuff from the house, you see I am pretty much lazy and I won’t get up and go to the store to buy the bad stuff but if it’s in the house I will find a way to rationalize eating it.
4. Make a list of things in your life that needed to be done, make a “to do list” and use the extra time you have during the cleanse to get them done. Believe me not having to concentrate too much on food prep or ceremony of eating you will have time to get lots of other things done that maybe had been sitting on the shelf for quite some time. This blog is part of my personal therapy that I had created to spend my time more wisely and efficiently.

But I have to continue to exercise, I can’t afford to stop for Ten Days
I felt that way, there are two sides to this, those who hate exercise and love the idea that Purium says I don’t have to exercise during the cleanse , therefore validating their reluctance to work out. And the other side that says if I stop my exercise regimen during the ten days I am going to lose something, momentum, habit, routine or muscle mass? Well let’s examine briefly both sides. Trust the program it really does work.
1. During the cleanse you can just relax and detox, taking the Master Aminos is sufficient to build muscle mass and help you tone (see my pics day 1 – day 25) but eventually you need to start an activity plan in your life. When I started to lose weight I had more energy and wanted to become more active.
2. You will not lose any muscle mass and when you restart your exercise routine after your ten day cleanse you will be lighter and more energetic. Believe me I have been there and taking the ten days off to concentrate on me really helped when I restarted my exercise routine.

Make a go Forward plan or Maintenance plan for post cleanse
This is perhaps the biggest blessing that I have experienced since doing the cleanse. My maintenance or go forward plan has really opened my eyes to the possibilities in front of you. Having done Purium has really shed light upon so many different aspects of my life that really didn’t have much to do with weight loss. That possible energy that I created from conquering my addiction to bad food choices has led me to the other aspects of my life that needed changing as well. Now I am more physically active than ever before, I am more productive in my professional life and my overall outlook on life is much more positive and bright. Your post cleanse can do the same for you. Make a plan how you will incorporate what you’ve learned with what you want to accomplish health wise in your life. There are many resources available to you to help you do that. The Recipe for Purium Lovers FB page is a great tool to help you find recipes and food prep ideas that will give you options.
Our Blog post Teamalohajoe.wordpress is another tool for you to use , we research and post useful information that can help you continue on your path towards better health and wellness. I hope this has helped somewhat as you prepare to do your cleanse. It has changed my life for the better and I am forever grateful for those who introduced me to the Purium Lifestyle.

If you have any concerns, questions or feedback please contact me at and please tell your friends about our blog

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